What is the typical coverslip thickness used in MBI ?

Generally, most of the immersion lens are calibrated for coverslips with a thickness of 0.17mm(which is falls in the range of #1.5 coverslip).

Will I get a better image quality using a high magnification objective ?

Not necessarily. The resolution is depending on the numerical aperture (NA) of the objective. The higher the NA, the higher the resolution. High magnification is often linked to high NA, but it will also drastically reduce the brightness of the signal. The optimal is to opt for the lowest magnification with the highest possible NA.

Can I use a Spinning Disk confocal microscope to image fixed sample ?

Strictly No ! Spinning disk microscopy is bringing a lot of drawbacks for the benefits of speed. Fixed sample don’t require fast acquisition, so we will definitely encourage you to consider a point-scanning confocal instead.

Do you have a protocol for cleaning glass coverslip ?

Dip you coverslip overnight in a solution of 1M HCl. Wash three times the coverslip in distilled water, be sure to wash out the acid. Rinse the coverslip with 100% ethanol and dry the coverslip with kimwipes before storage.